Is there anything I cannot store?

Yes. You must not store (and you must not allow any other person to store) any of the following in the room:

Food or perishable goods – unless approved by us and provided that they are protected from and do not attract vermin; plants, birds, fish, animals or any other creatures

Combustible, flammable, explosive or oxidising materials, liquids or gases e.g. paint, petrol, oil, cleaning solvents, gas cylinders, cellulose nitrate film, fireworks

Firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives or the components thereof; chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents

Pollutants, toxic or hazardous materials or contaminated goods or other materials of a potentially dangerous nature

Any item which emits any fumes, smell or odour

Any illegal substances, illegal items or goods illegally obtained, including counterfeit goods, illicit (smuggled/counterfeit) tobacco, illicit alcohol, unlicensed medicines, unsafe goods (including toys, electrical items, cosmetics, fireworks)

Compressed non-flammable gases without our written consent and in accordance with our specific requirements

Any item of high value requiring specialist storage (including without limitation jewellery, money, bullion, deeds, bonds, securities, stamps, antiques, fine art or fine wines

Tyres, asbestos or waste materials including any materials or goods for export deemed to be waste e.g. used electrical equipment (unless tested and certified for re-use), used vehicles or parts thereof.

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